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  • Christine Ayala


Do you know that God is still performing miracles?

Miracles that a supernatural, and defy what is “possible?”

Have you experienced a miracle in your life? ...or witnessed one?

I’ve had the great privilege of God working many miracles in my life - mostly big ones, and a few little ones. God healed me, more than once - and it was astounding and Holy. I am in awe and wonder at them still, even though many years have passed for some. These miracles aren’t just a blessing for me or my family - they are signs for others, to build their faith and to spread the Good News.

A couple of these happened in an instant, but others took some time - there was process and growth involved - but no less miraculous than the others. God works in the way that best serves His purposes, not ours. Look back at what the Lord has done in your life. Praise Him for what He has brought you through. Praise Him for the beauty He has brought forth from ashes. Trust Him with your needs - even if you need a miracle. #wonderworkinggod #goodgoodfather #miracles #believe #awesomegod #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional

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